
Uniforms are an essential tool for the members of the United States Armed Forces. Uniforms, like other forms of clothing, say a lot about the individuals wearing them. For example, the use of trousers or breeches were used as symbols of social status during the 17th and 18th centuries. Military uniforms also provide information about the wearer through its color, pattern, and accessories. Click here to learn about the history of the military uniform.

( “Nursing Corp Anniversary Photo”, c. 1970 by US Navy Medicine)

Unlike the dress uniforms, seen in the image above, jungle uniforms were constructed using green and khaki. This practice became universal during World War II, the image on the right shows examples of what soldiers wore on the field in Vietnam.

Robert Lane served as a Naval Officer during the Vietnam War. In this video, he shows a piece of his Naval uniform and discusses some of its important accent.

(Photo on right: “Vietnam War uniforms” c. 2008 by Michael Tefft/ Olympus Corporation)

Badges and pins played an important role in identifying the ranks and accomplishments individuals. The image on the left shows Catherine Leroy, a French photojournalist, receiving a pin commemorating her parachute jump.

There were a multitude of pins that individuals could receive, some examples can be seen blow.

(“War Medals” c. 2015 by 035032001307).

In this audio clip, Ginnie Rueber talks her experiences with pins during her time in Vietnam.

(“Vietnam War 1967 – Journalists” c. 1967 by Unidentified AP Photographer)
